The CFMOTO Caravan brought excitement and adventure to a rainy weekend in Timișoara!

Despite starting with rain, as we've become accustomed to in recent times, CFMOTO motorcycle enthusiasts didn't let it discourage them. They gathered at our event, determined to enjoy experiences on two wheels.

Although the weather posed challenges, we were fortunate to have a break in the rain and ventured out for a ride. Not a drop of water could extinguish our passion and desire to explore and feel the freedom on CFMOTO motorcycles.

Participants had the opportunity to test the newest and most captivating models from our range, experiencing the power and performance of our motorcycles as they rode through the streets of Timișoara.

We created an atmosphere of community and friendship, where enthusiasts and adventure lovers on two wheels could socialize and share experiences. The rain was not an obstacle, but merely a challenge that we overcame together, strengthening our bond as CFMOTO enthusiasts. Next weekend, CFMOTO will be in Sibiu.

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